Rock Steady

For as long as I can remember, I have had an inherent sense of balance. Not in the stand on one foot kind of way, but focusing more on the balance of energies. I remember as a little kid coming home from school after a rough day. I would come back to find out that we were going to have my favorite meal for dinner or Highlight magazine came in the mail. Conversely, if I had an amazing day at school, I would expect to walk in the door and find my dad telling me to empty the dishwasher and pot roast for dinner.

Sitting here on the back deck for what seems like the 100th day in a row, I am struck by just how beautiful this summer has been here in the Midwest. I am so grateful restaurants have been able to keep their businesses afloat through outdoor seating. I am grateful to have people come to the park to practice yoga as we are still unable to gather inside safely. It just seems like the world said I know things have been crappy as of late so I'll throw you a bone in the weather department.

Striking a balance. In yoga philosophy, there is a basic tenant regarding the balance of effort and ease. Sthira and Sukha are opposites, but equally important qualities to develop in both the practice of yoga and in life. Sthira means steady, strong, and stable. Conversely, Sukha translates to comfortable, happy and relaxed. In order to ride this wave of life, the teaching is reminding us that we need both. Find the good with the bad. Work hard and know when to shut off and relax. Eat your vegetables and drink plenty of water, but know when to enjoy a glass of wine and a homemade creme brulee.

The pandemic has led us all to re-evaluate our lives and shifted the balance for many things. Just like learning tree pose in yoga, it takes many tries and wobbly ankles for us to find our way. The word BALANCE means an even distribution to remain steady. It is a process, not an immediate action. When practicing standing balances in yoga, you fall over frequently. Practicing means you get up, shake yourself off, and try it again. It might take several years to find our way but, we are training our minds that this is OK. Yoga is a process and a beautiful one at that.

Simply notice where you may need to re-calibrate. There are many tools to help guide you if support is needed. I continue to offer yoga classes online via Zoom and the invitation for you to join is ongoing. September I am joining with my dear pal Margi Young for a 30 day/30 minute Mindful Practice. There are so many beautiful teachers and causes involved - allow them to help you discover a renewed sense of balance.

Remember the theme song from the TC show The Facts of Life? "You take the good, you take the bad, you take them all and there you have...."


Harvest Moon


Hold On