Owner of a Lonely Heart

My friend Scott sent this article from the New York Times about an order of Monks who live in the mountains in France. They alone hold the recipe to a type of liquor, Chartreuse. Chartreuse is a bright green herbal liquor you might have on hand to throw in a crafted cocktail, "Christmas in a glass".

Made me think about Monks who make a choice to live isolated from the modern world for the spiritual motivation of finding God in solitude. For plenty of people living in exile has been a product of our pandemic culture. I am beyond blissful to have my immediate family with me over the past year, but for folks who live alone and do not live close to loved ones, the loneliness is real. We all have a different level of comfort being alone. Being an introvert or an extrovert is associated with our basic DNA. How much stimulus we need from other people compared to how much we inherently have within us.

The Times today reported that humans can survive three minutes without air, three days without water, three weeks without food, and three months without companionship.

One of the reasons I was attracted to yoga, was to remind myself that I am part of something larger. Allowing the message of yoga to be less about the shapes I was making, but the attention to the energy that I can give and receive. On the mat, you have the unique opportunity to allow your practice is all your own, and simultaneously allow your energy to be part of a greater collective. There is no doubt that practicing together (even classes held virtually on Zoom) allows us to feel connected with one another.

My intention this week is to allow every interaction to have my full attention. We never can assume we know what one person is going through, what their level of loneliness might be. As much as we can, be physically present. Make time for a walk outside, or drive by and wave. Call a friend as opposed to sending them a text or Instagram message. Facetime or zoom and make eye contact. Let's take care of one another.

Hopefully, I will "see" you in class this week.

Happy Holidays.


One Thing Leads to Another


Everyday I Write the Book