Our House

In early June I watched with excitement as a female Cardinal chose the bush right next to our front door to make her nest. We lock eyes with one another as I carefully get the mail. I try not to let the metal lid slam down to disturb her along with her babies she is protecting inside the nest she built. Sometimes she sits on the fence and chirps away at me to hurry up.

She makes me reflect on my own nest. If there was ever a summer to splurge on your own dwelling this was it. I spent way too much money this spring on new planters and annuals. The herb garden on the deck has never produced so much. Gratitude to the friends that have given me tomatoes and cucumbers from their own bounty. Other years I start off strong, but then there is some inevitable trip or distractions. Plants got neglected and died. We're home this year, sitting on the deck more than we ever have. Taking a daily read of who needs what.

Many of us have painted the four walls we have been staring at for months and moved the furniture around for a new view. Our daughter's old bedroom became an office for the hubs 146 days ago. What started with us moving the bed out and putting up a folding table has become a full on office with a desk, new printer, new light fixture and fancy file cabinets on the way. Some have decided to chuck it all and simply move. If you can work remotely, why stay here?

New flowers and a new office is not what is important. The actual address does not mean anything. My hope is that being home represents a simplicty. An enviroment where you are safe and supported. That it provides you with a strong foundation to explore the many facets of your life.

One of the sneaky things about the physical practice of yoga is that all the foundational poses show up in the more complex ones. As I have grown as a teacher and as my own practice has evolved, I find that I spend the most time in variations of the basic structures: down dog, low lunge, high lunge, mountain pose. Honing in on the basics by keeping it simple, clean and welcoming. This allows me to feel safe and supported on my yoga mat. How I want to feel in my home. How I hope those birds feel.

Tomorrow, Sunday 8/9, I am teaching a class outside where we can listen to the birds while we practice. Join me or connect through Zoom and we can continue to strengthen our foundations.


Hold On


That Smell