Into the Mystic

In the New York Times magazine last Sunday, a short piece titled How to Feel Small caught my attention. It encapsulated what I felt hiking along the ocean in Mexico last month...AWE. Nature can provide powerful reminders that we are little people here on this giant planet. There in the desert nestled between the ocean and the mountains, I had the opportunity to watch a moonrise as I had never seen before. A giant gold orb floated up over the mountains to illuminate the desert. Light so bright I walked around in the middle of the night trying to figure what light was on.

AWE: a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder.

Research suggests that experiencing awe may lead to a wide range of benefits, from happiness and health to perhaps more unexpected benefits such as generosity and a sharper mind.

What does awe feel like? I guess it is a little bit like joy: heart feels fuller, breath a little accelerated, a tiny dash of fear or doubt. I was thinking about Wayne + Garth from SNL, "We're not worthy." Perhaps humility to the differential.  

As I scroll through my social media feed, I am drawn to pictures of folks on top of mountains, newborn babies, arms around graduates, or at packed Wrigley Field watching the Cubs win. My hope is that they are all filled with this magical feeling of awe. A real hot damn of a moment in time. 

Of course, you do not need to plan a trip to experience awe. Just this morning, I watched the sunrise, and the birds cluster around the bird feeder in my neighbor’s yard. Seriously, they are amazing. The key is to SEE IT. Be present and allow the every day to blow your mind.  

I have two things coming up that I want to invite you to. The reason I am so passionate about them is that they inspire in me these feelings of awe and wonder in me.

I team up with fantastic writer Tracy Bleier for some movement and some writing to celebrate Summer Ease....on Friday, June 18th, from 6-7:15p at yogaview Wilmette. Sometimes the act of writing is fear-inducing, particularly if you are asked to share. But writing is another avenue to explore how we are experiencing life. You can do it virtually on zoom or in person. Click HERE to sign up. 

September 4-11 I am hosting a yoga retreat in Italy with Patti Lupo. Everything about this trip is awe-inducing.... the farm, the food, the light, the people. While traveling is always wrought with logistics, the effort to get there will be worth it. Flights are slowly creeping back, and yes, there will be some Covid tests involved, but you can travel to Italy safely, and I promise it will be worth it. Click below to learn more.

Maybe there are some travels in your summer plans, or even if you stay close to home, allow yourself to marvel at the beauty that surrounds you.



Strength, Courage and Wisdom


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